by dvilkiller
Block for Parallel Space Accs It has several core features that together provide strong protection a...
Block for Parallel Space Accs It has several core features that together provide strong protection against annoying calls.This program is best for your selection, you will not have to worry will not bother unwanted messages from unwanted calls.Anti SMS, Call Blocker will give you excellent features such as increasing the number of black lists, message store does not want to read in a history that was blocked.With the full functionality of the application to send messages, you can send messages, chat, send pictures using mms hat more can be done.Back up your messages Supports password, you can protect your privacy. With Blocker SMS, block calls, you can set up call blocking messages during a particular time of day that can block some external contacts, call block SMS, calls, unwanted text blocks unwanted. spam and protect your privacy. This app will lock unwanted SMS and calls from blacklist and also private numbers.Parallel Space is an Android app that allow you to run multiple account of any app simultaneously on single Android phone.With this app you can create dual account of any app. Like can install , and multiple accounts of any game. Parallel Space is a unique app which allows you to sign in two different accounts on a single Android device simultaneously. Parallel Space can create a separate space in your Android phone. In this space, you can run apps independently, in order to login the 2nd account simultaneously.Block for Parallel Space Accs Features:• Unique: Parallel Space allows you to run multiple accounts simultaneously based on our unique container technology.• Powerful yet tiny: As small as 2MB.• Messenger apps: To connect different friends with second account.• Social apps: To share different photos with different accounts.• Gaming apps: To play two accounts at the same time and double up the fun.• Supports most apps, explore it by yourself now.After installing which is just 2.3 MB in size, you can add any app you have installed on your phone to its dashboard. It will then ask you to configure a new account for these apps. They all worked well plus there are no limitations on the number of apps you can add.
This is for start using Multi Accounts.
Clonage et ouverture de multi compte de la m?me app simultan?ment et personnaliser le th?me des apps clon?es!
Connexion avec 2 comptes de r?seaux sociaux ou de jeux simultan?ment• Equilibre entre votre vie priv?e et vie professionnelle gr?ce au clonage de l'app.• Doubler votre exp?rience de jeu avec 2 compte pour avoir double fun.• Presque toutes les apps sont prises en charge pour un double compte sur Parallel Space Multi Compte. Les donn?es de 2 compte ne s'interf?rent jamais l'un avec l'autres apr?s clonage.
Pr?servation de vos intimit?s, invisibilit? des apps sur votre mobile android grace ? l'Installation Priv?e• Parallel Space Multi Compte vous permet de cloner les apps pour avoir 2 compte puis les cacher afin de ne pas ?tre trouv?es sur votre portable par vos amis et coll?gues.• Parallel Space Multi Compte vous permet de pr?server vos intimit?s avec un verrouillage de sch?ma.
Points lumineux:• Unique: La cr?ation de Parallel Space Multi Compte est bas?e sur MultiDroid, elle est la premi?re app avec un moteur de virtualisation sur Android.
Notes:• Autorisation: Parallel Space Multi Compte requiert toutes les autorisations selon les apps clon?es sur elle. Par exemple, si la localisation n'est pas autoris?e, vous ne pouvez pas envoyer votre location ? vos amis par les apps clon?e sur Parallel Space.• Consommation: M?moire, batterie et d?bits consomm?s par Parallel